About mango tree

 Hey friend,  today I am going to tell you about mango.The mangoes mostly grown and ripened in summer season only. During the end of winter season the mango tree begins to flower. At the beginning of summer season (month between March(3) to (4)April) the flowers become to fruit and gradually increasing the size of the mangos and it is ready for the ripening ..

Everyone loves mangos and eat also mango. But you know the the their is lots of species of mango, which is best of size of mango, shape of mango, test of mango and the mango which is used to make mango juice. 
Before we starting I want to tell you that, in villages the mango is used to make pickle. (Achar). 
Now, the types of mangoes mentioned below
1) Alphonso/Hapus.
2) Dasheri. 
3) Pairi. 
4) Badami.

1). Alphonso / Hapus 

This hafus or Alphnso mango is known for his sweetness, specially the hafus mango is found in Ratnagiri district in Maharashtra (India🇮🇳) 
This is Rs. 400 to 500 per kg in market. Scientifically the hafus mango is very healthy to eat. 

Scientific name: -Mangifera indica. 
Higher classification: -Magnifera indica. 
Rank:- Cultivar
Origin: -Maharashtra
Cultivar: -'Alphonso(hafuz, hafus)'.

2). Dasberi.

This Dasheri mango is Sweetness. This is found in South India 🇮🇳. 
This is very old specis of mango, this is stared in 18th century. 
This mango is found in specially in a village near Kakori in Lucknow district in North India and the southern state Andhra Pradesh(AP), Tgis mango is also found in out of India like Nepal and Pakistan. But in India the biggest Market for this mango is Malihabad in Uttar Pradesh is the largest producer of the Dasheri 

Genus: -Magnifera
Origin: India
Cultivar: 'Dasheri(Aam) '. 


The variety also called Paheri Pairi Pairie is another reference or more of the best varieties of India, oval-shaped and weighing between 250 to 450gramosits flesh is yellow orange, firm, juicy, fiberless, sweet but with a typical taste sub-acid, with a pronounced scent, its quality is excellent, is grown in The Canary Islands, Israel and Hawaii.

4). Badami. 

Badami is one of a number of delicious mangoesgrown in India. It is slightly earlier than the sort-after Alphonse mango due to its more southerly production but is attractive as a fresh variety. The fruit has pale yellow, thin skin through which it is easy to detect the softness of the flesh.


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