



Hello guys, today I am going to say you about apples. 
When were are small and due to some reasons we go in hospital, many doctors says us Or our parents that ear An Apple. And that is why many people says that, Enfant everyone says that "AN APPLE A DAY, KEEPS DOCTOR AWAY"

Everyone  knows that apple is just a fruit, used to, eat but the apple have so many vitamins and protins which can help our body to become stronger. 


The test of apple is sweet and it is edible fruit of the apple tree. 
The apple tree needs moisture and cool climates to grow, so especially in india🇮🇳 the apple tree grow in the heaven of indian means in Jammu- Kashmir. 
Jammu and Kashmir is very biggest market of apple in India. From jammu and Kashmir the apple transported in all over india. 

 The apple is growing from so many years ago in India. Where the apple tree is founded in Central Asia. 

A apple has vitamis as follows:-

Vitamin A
Vitamin B6
Vitamin C 
Vitamin E 
Vitamin K   which is used to maintain our body and become stronger. 

I suggest you to eat apple in apple season., because this fruit is very important for our body. 

          SAVE  TREE 🌳🌴 , SAVE LIFE🌳🌴
                          THANK YOU


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